Tuesday, April 3, 2012

happy OR sad?

great news~ I've finally completed my 1st draft of final year thesis. This 116 pages thesis have took away hell lots of my precious time n in return, gives me countless sleepless night! well, just hope the grade wouldn't disappoint me.

When I'm about to celebrate this good news, the thoughts of lab reports that are piling up, revisions that left behind and final exams that are drawing near appeared in my mind! so there goes the bad news! !@#$%^&**()

Final semester = NO LIFE! TT


Se7enHeaven said...

Im always here to understand u
Im always here to laugh with u
Im always here to cry with u
Im always here to talk with u
Im always here to think with u
Im always here to plan with u
And i'll always be there to <3 u ^^v

hsiuyew said...

== u v free horr? hahah

叶斯琳娜 said...

add oil ha..wait u join me in draw my thing again..lolz